Concentric Layout

Concentric Layout places the nodes on concentric circles.


As the demo below, you can deploy it in layout while instantiating Graph. it can also be used for Subgraph Layout. This algorithm will order the nodes according to the parameters first, then the node in the front of the order will be placed on the center of the concentric circles.

基本 Concentric 同心圆布局


Type: Array
Example: [ 0, 0 ]
Default: The center of grpah
Required: false
Explanation: The center of the layout


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: false
Explanation: Switch to prevent the node overlappings. It should be used with nodeSize. Only if the nodeSize is assigned, the collide detection will take effect.


Type: Number
Default: 30
Required: false
Explanation: The size of the node(diameter). It will be used in collide dectection for preventing node overlappings.


Type: Number
Default: 10
Required: false
Explanation: The min distance between rings.


Type: Number
Default: undefined
Required: false
Explanation: How many radians should be between the first and last node (defaults to full circle). If it is undefined, 2 * Math.PI * (1 - 1 / |level.nodes|) will be used, where level.nodes is nodes set of each level, |level.nodes| is the number of nodes of the level.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: false
Explanation: Whether levels have an equal radial distance between them, may cause bounding box overflow.


Type: Number
Default: 3 / 2 * Math.PI
Required: false
Explanation: Where nodes start in radians.


Type: Boolean
Default: false
Required: false
Explanation: Place the nodes in clockwise or not.


Type: Number
Default: undefined
Required: false
Explanation: The sum of concentric values in each level. If it is undefined, maxValue / 4 will take place, where maxValue is the max value of ordering properties. For example, if sortBy='degree', maxValue is the max degree value of all the nodes.


Type: String
Default: undefined
Required: false
Explanation: Order the nodes according to this parameter. It is the property's name of node. The node with higher value will be placed to the center. If it is undefined, the algorithm will order the nodes by their degree.