
3 min read

Behavior is the compound interactions in G6. In general, a Behavior includes one or more event listeners and a set of item operations.

By default, Behavior has three callbacks: shouldBegin, shouldUpdate, and shouldEnd, representing the beginning of the behavior, whether to update the items, the ending of the behavior respectively. If they return false, the default behavior will be prevented.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onNodeClick',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
      mousemove: 'onMouseMove',
  onNodeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onEdgeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onMouseMove(evt) {
    // TODO


Define and handle events when user customize a Behavior.

The usage of getEvents() can be refered to Event


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onNodeClick',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
      'mousemove': 'onMouseMove'


onNodeClick, onEdgeClick, and onMouseMove are custom events for handling node:click, edge:click, and mousemove.


Name Type Required Description
evt Event false contains event handler, current target, and coordinates.

The parameter evt contains:

Name Type Description
x Number x coordinate of view port.
y Number y coordinate of view port.
canvasX Number x coordinate of the canvas.
canvasY Number y coordinate of the canvas.
clientX Number x coordinate of the client / screen.
clientY Number y coordinate of the client / screen.
event MouseEvent Event handler.
target Shape The target.
type String Operation type.
currentTarget Object
item Shape The target item.
removed Boolean Whether the target is removed / destroyed.
timeStamp Number The time stamp.
bubbles Boolean Whether it is a bubbled event.
defaultPrevented Boolean Whether to prevent the default event.
cancelable Boolean Whether it is cancelable.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onNodeClick',
      'edge:click': 'onEdgeClick',
      mousemove: 'onMouseMove',
  onNodeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onEdgeClick(evt) {
    // TODO
  onMouseMove(evt) {
    // TODO


Default configurations while customing a Behavior. The configurations will be mixed by the configurations from user.

Tips: This function is not required.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  getDefaultCfg() {
    return {
      trigger: 'click' // mouseneter or click


Whether to prevent the behavior. Return true by default, which means do not prevent the behavior. User should call it by themselves.


G6.registerBehavior('behaviorName', {
  shouldBegin() {
    // Customize it according to your scenario
    return true;


Whether to update the data and the view. Returns true by default, which means allow updating.


const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 500,
  height: 500,
  pixelRatio: 2,
  modes: {
    default: [
        type: 'self-behavior',
        shouldUpdate: e => {
          if ( !== 'text') {
            return false;
          return true;


Whether to end the behavior. Returns true by default.