
9 min read

The parameters of callbacks for common events, Node events, and Edge events are described in Behavior API.

Common Event

Event Name Description
click Activated by clicking the left button of mouse or Enter button.
dblclick Activated by double clicking the left button of mouse.
mouseenter Activated when mouse enters an item. This is not a bubbled event, which means this event will not be activated when the mouse moves to the descendant items.
mousemove Activated while the mouse is moving inside an item. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
mouseout Activated while the mouse moves out of an item.
mouseover Activated when the mouse moves over an item.
mouseleave Activated when the mouse leaves an item. This is not a bubbled event, which means this event will not be activated when the mouse leaves the descendant items.
mousedown Activated when the left or right button is clicked down. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
mouseup Activated when the left or right button is released. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
contextmenu Open the context menu when user clicks the right button of mouse. Demo.
dragstart Activated when user begins to drag. This event is applied on a dragged item.
drag Activated during the dragging process. This event is applied on a dragged item.
dragend Activated when user stops dragging. This event is applied on a dragged item.
dragenter Activated when user drags an item into a target item. This event is applied on a dragged item.
dragleave Activated when user drags an item out of a target item. This event is applied on the target item.
drop Activated when user drops an item on a target item. This event is applied on the target item.
keydown Activated when user presses down a button on keyboard.
keyup Activated when user releases a button on keyboard.
touchstart Activated when a finger touches the screen. If there are fingers on the screen already, it will be activated too.
touchmove Activated during the processes of finger moving on the screen. Call preventDefault() to prevent scrolling.
touchend Activated when a finger leaves the screen.

Node Event

Event Name Description
node:click Activated when user clicks the left button of the mouse on the node.
node:dblclick Activated when user double clicks the left button of the mouse on the node.
node:mouseenter Activated when the mouse enters the node.
node:mousemove Activated while the mouse is moving inside the node. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
node:mouseout Activated while the mouse moves out of the node.
node:mouseover Activated when the mouse moves over the node.
node:mouseleave Activated when the mouse leaves the node.
node:mousedown Activated when the left or right button is clicked down on the node. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
node:mouseup Activated when the left or right button is released on the node. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
node:contextmenu Open the context menu when user clicks the right button of mouse on the node. Demo.
node:dragstart Activated when user begins to drag the node. This event is applied on the dragged node.
node:drag Activated during the dragging process on the node. This event is applied on the dragged node.
node:dragend Activated when user stops dragging on the node. This event is applied on the dragged node.
node:dragenter Activated when user drags the node into a target item. This event is applied on the dragged node.
node:dragleave Activated when user drags the node out of a target item. This event is applied on the target item.
node:drop Activated when user drops an item on a target item. This event is applied on the target item.

Edge Event

Event Name Description
edge:click Activated when user clicks the left button of the mouse on the edge.
edge:dblclick Activated when user double clicks the left button of the mouse on the edge.
edge:mouseenter Activated when the mouse enters the edge.
edge:mousemove Activated while the mouse is moving inside the edge. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
edge:mouseout Activated while the mouse moves out of the edge.
edge:mouseover Activated when the mouse moves over the edge.
edge:mouseleave Activated when the mouse leaves the edge.
edge:mousedown Activated when the left or right button is clicked down on the edge. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
edge:mouseup Activated when the left or right button is released on the edge. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
edge:contextmenu Open the context menu when user clicks the right button of mouse on the edge. Demo.

Canvas Event

Event Name Description
canvas:click Activated when user clicks the left button of the mouse on the canvas.
canvas:dblclick Activated when user double clicks the left button of the mouse on the canvas.
canvas:mouseenter Activated when the mouse enters the canvas.
canvas:mousemove Activated while the mouse is moving inside the canvas. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
canvas:mouseout Activated while the mouse moves out of the canvas.
canvas:mouseover Activated when the mouse moves over the canvas.
canvas:mouseleave Activated when the mouse leaves the canvas.
canvas:mousedown Activated when the left or right button is clicked down on the canvas. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
canvas:mouseup Activated when the left or right button is released on the canvas. It cannot be activated by keyboard.
canvas:contextmenu Open the context menu when user clicks the right button of mouse on the canvas.
canvas:dragstart Activated when user begins to drag the canvas. This event is applied on the dragged canvas. Demo.
canvas:drag Activated during the dragging process on the canvas. This event is applied on the dragged canvas.
canvas:dragend Activated when user stops dragging on the canvas. This event is applied on the dragged canvas.
canvas:dragenter Activated when user drags the canvas into a target item. This event is applied on the target item.
canvas:dragleave Activated when user drags the canvas out of a target item. This event is applied on the target item.

The Timing of Listener

Before and after being called some functions, G6 exports the timing events.

Event Name Description
beforeadditem Activated before add / addItem being called.
afteradditem Activated after add / addItem being called.
beforeremoveitem Activated before remove / removeItem being called.
afterremoveitem Activated after remove / removeItem being called.
beforeupdateitem Activated before update / updateItem being called.
afterupdateitem Activated after update / updateItem being called.
beforeitemvisibilitychange Activated before showItem / hideItem being called.
afteritemvisibilitychange Activated after showItem / hideItem being called.
beforeitemstatechange Activated before setItemState being called.
afteritemstatechange Activated after setItemState being called.
beforeitemrefresh Activated before refreshItem being called.
afteritemrefresh Activated after refreshItem being called.
beforeitemstatesclear Activated before clearItemStates being called.
afteritemstatesclear Activated after clearItemStates being called.
beforelayout Activated before graph layout. render will layout the graph, so render will activate this event as well.
afterlayout Activated after graph layout being done. render will layout the graph, so render will activate this event as well.

The callback paramters are different from custom events.


Name Type Description
type String The type of the item to be added.
model Object The data model of the item to be added.


Name Type Description
item Item The added item.
model Object The data model of the added item.

beforeremoveitem / afterremoveitem

Name Type Description
item Item The removed item.

beforeupdateitem / afterupdateitem

Name Type Description
item Item The updated item.
model Object The data model of the item to be updated.

beforeitemvisibilitychange / afteritemvisibilitychange

Name Type Description
item Item The manipulated item.
visible Boolean Whether the item is visible. true for visible, false for invisible.

beforeitemstatechange / afteritemstatechange

Name Type Description
item Item The manipulated item.
state String The state name.
enabled Boolean Wheter the state is enabled. true for enabled, false for unabled.

beforeitemstatesclear / afteritemstatesclear

Name Type Description
item Item The manipulated item.
states Array / String The states to be cleared.

beforeitemrefresh / afteritemrefresh

Name Type Description
item Item The manipulated item.