
3 min read

This document shows the functions that should be implemented or rewrited when custom nodes by G6.registerNode or custom edges by G6.registerEdge.


The following code is an example of customizing a type of edge:

import G6 from '@antv/g6';
    labelPosition: 'center',
    labelAutoRotate: true,
    draw(cfg, group) {
      // The other functions such as drawShape anddrawLabel can be called in draw(cfg, group)
      const labelStyle = this.getLabelStyle(cfg);
      // ...
    drawShape(cfg, group) {
    getLabelStyle(cfg) {
      // Return the label's style
      return {};
    update(cfg, item) {
      // Update the item according



The relative positions of label to the item. 'center' by default.

  • When registering a type of node by registerNode, options of labelPosition includes: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' and 'center';
  • When registering a type of edge by registerEdge, options of labelPosition includes: 'start', 'end' and 'center'.


Takes effect only when registerEdge.

Whether to rotate the label according to the edge. false by default.

Tips: this is an unique property for edge.

Draw Functions

The parameters for the four functions about draw are the same. Please refer to draw().

draw(cfg, group)

Draw the node or edge, including the label on the it. Return keyShape of it.


Name Type Required Description
cfg Object true The configurations of the node or edge.
group G.Group true The contianer of the node or edge.

afterDraw(cfg, group)

This function will be called after the node or edge being drawed. It is appropriate for extending graphics or animations for built-in node or edge.

Update Functions

update(cfg, item)

Update the node or edge, including the label on it.


Name Type Required Description
cfg Object true The configurations for the node or edge.
item G6.Item true The item instance of the node or edge.

afterUpdate(cfg, item)

This function will be called after the node or edge being updated.


Whether to allow the node or edge to be updated.


Name Type Required Description
type String true The type of the item. Options:'node', 'edge'


  • The type of return value: Boolean;
  • Allow the node or edge to be updated if it returns true.

setState(name, value, item)

After graph.setItemState(item, state, value) is called, this function will do some responses.


Name Type Required Description
name String true The name of the state.
value Boolean true The value of the state.
item G6.Item true The instance of the node or edge.