Shape Properties
Shape is the basic element on an item (node/edge). The style
of a node or an edge corresponds to the shape properties of its keyShap (key shape). The style
in labelCfg
of a label on a node or an edge corresponds to the properties of text shape.
G6 has these shapes:
Common Property
Name | Description | Remark |
fill | The color or gradient color for filling. | The corresponding property in canvas is fillStyle . |
stroke | The color, gradient color, or pattern for stroke. | The corresponding property in canvas is strokeStyle . |
shadowColor | The color for shadow. | |
shadowBlur | The blur level for shadow. | Larger the value, more blur. |
shadowOffsetX | The horizontal offset of the shadow. | |
shadowOffsetY | The vertical offset of the shadow. | |
opacity | The opacity (alpha value) of the shape. | The corresponding property in canvas is globalAlpha . |
group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
fill: 'red',
shadowOffsetX: 10,
shadowOffsetY: 10,
shadowColor: 'blue',
shadowBlur: 10,
opacity: 0.8,
Special Property
Name | Description |
x | The x of the center of the circle. |
y | The y of the center of the circle. |
r | The radius of the circle. |
group.addShape('circle', {
attrs: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
r: 50,
fill: 'blue',
Special Property
Name | Description |
x | The x of the center of the ellipse. |
y | The y of the center of the ellipse. |
rx | The horizontal raidus of the ellipse. |
ry | The vertical raidus of the ellipse. |
group.addShape('ellipse', {
attrs: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
rx: 50,
ry: 50,
fill: 'blue',
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
x | The x of the center of the fan. | |
y | The y of the center of the fan. | |
rs | The horizontal raidus of the fan. | |
re | The vertical raidus of the fan. | |
startAngle | The start angle. | Radian system represented by Math.PI. |
endAngle | The end angle. | Radian system represented by Math.PI. |
clockwise | It will be rendered clockwisely if it is true , counterclockwisely if it is false . |
group.addShape('fan', {
attrs: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
re: 40,
rs: 30,
startAngle: (1 / 2) * Math.PI,
endAngle: Math.PI,
clockwise: false,
fill: '#b7eb8f',
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
x | The x of the left top of the image. | |
y | The y of the left top of the image. | |
width | The width of the image. | |
height | The height of the image. | |
img | The source of the image. | G6 supports multiple image formats: - url - ImageData - Image - canvas |
group.addShape('image', {
attrs: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
x | The x of the center of the marker. | |
y | The y of the center of the marker. | |
r | The radius of the marker. | |
symbol | The shape name. | There are several built-in shapes: circle , square , diamond , triangle , triangle-down . And user could customize a shape as marker. |
group.addShape('marker', {
attrs: {
x: 10,
y: 10,
r: 10,
symbol: function(x, y, r) {
return [
[ 'M', x, y ],
[ 'L', x + r, y + r ],
[ 'L',x + r * 2, y ],
[ 'Z' ]
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
points | The coordinates of the points on the polygon. | It is an array. |
group.addShape('polygon', {
attrs: {
points: [
[30, 30],
[40, 20],
[30, 50],
[60, 100],
fill: 'red',
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
x | The x of left top of the rect. | |
y | The y of left top of the rect. | |
width | The width of the rect. | |
height | The height of the rect. | |
radius | The border radius. | It can be an integer or an array, representing the border radii of lefttop, righttop, rightbottom, leftbotton respectively. - radius = 1 or radius = [ 1 ] is equal to radius = [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] - radius = [ 1, 2 ] is equal to radius = [ 1, 2, 1, 2 ] - radius: [ 1, 2, 3 ] is equal to radius: [ 1, 2, 3, 2 ] |
group.addShape('rect', {
attrs: {
x: 150,
y: 150,
width: 150,
height: 150,
stroke: 'black',
radius: [2, 4],
⚠️Attention: When the edge is too thin to be hitted by mouse, set lineAppendWidth to enlarge the hitting area.
Special Property
Name | Description | Remark |
path | The path. | It can be a String, or an Array of path. |
startArrow | The arrow on the start of the path. | When startArrow is true , show a default arrow on the start of the path. User can custom an arrow by path. |
endArrow | The arrow on the end of the path. | When startArrow is true , show a default arrow on the end of the path. User can custom an arrow by path. |
lineAppendWidth | The hitting area of the path. | Enlarge the hitting area by enlarging its value. |
lineCap | The style of two ends of the path. | |
lineJoin | The style of the intersection of two path. | |
lineWidth | The line width of the current path. | |
miterLimit | The maximum miter length. | |
lineDash | The style of the dash line. | It is an array that describes the length of gaps and line segments. If the number of the elements in the array is odd, the elements will be dulplicated. Such as [5, 15, 25] will be regarded as [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25]. |
group.addShape('path', {
attrs: {
startArrow: {
// The custom arrow is a path centered at (0, 0), and points to the positive direction of x-axis
path: 'M 10,0 L -10,-10 L -10,10 Z',
d: 10,
endArrow: {
// The custom arrow is a path centered at (0, 0), and points to the positive direction of x-axis
path: 'M 10,0 L -10,-10 L -10,10 Z',
d: 10,
path: [
['M', 100, 100],
['L', 200, 200],
stroke: '#000',
lineWidth: 8,
lineAppendWidth: 5,
Name | Description | Remark |
fill | The color or gradient color for filling. | The corresponding property in Canvas is fillStyle . |
stroke | The color, gradient color, or pattern for stroke. | The corresponding property in Canvas is strokeStyle . |
shadowColor | The color for shadow. | |
shadowBlur | The blur level for shadow. | Larger the value, more blur. |
shadowOffsetX | The horizontal offset of the shadow. | |
shadowOffsetY | The vertical offset of the shadow. | |
opacity | The opacity (alpha value) of the shape. | The corresponding property in Canvas is globalAlpha . |
font | The font of the text. | |
textAlign | The align way of the text. | Options: 'center' / 'end' / 'left' / 'right' / 'start' . 'start' by default. |
textBaseline | The base line of the text. | Options: 'top' / 'middle' / 'bottom' / 'alphabetic' / 'hanging' . 'bottom' by default. |
fontStyle | The font style of the text. | The corresponding property in CSS is font-style |
fontVariant | The font variant of the text. | The corresponding property in CSS is font-variant |
fontWeight | The font weight of the text. | The corresponding property in CSS is font-weight |
fontSize | The font size of the text. | The corresponding property in CSS is font-size |
fontFamily | The font family of the text. | The corresponding property in CSS is font-family |
autoRotate | Wheter rotate the text according to the edge automatically if it is a label of an edge. |
group.addShape('text', {
attrs: {
text: 'test text',
fill: 'red',
fontWeight: 400,
shadowOffsetX: 10,
shadowOffsetY: 10,
shadowColor: 'blue',
shadowBlur: 10,