Render the Edge on the Top

2 min read


How to render the edges on the top of nodes in G6 3.x?


In G6 3.x, nodes are rendered on the top of edges by default. All the nodes are grouped by a Graphics Group named nodeGroup, and all the edges are grouped by another Graphics Group named edgeGroup. You can modify the visual levels of the groups to change the visual levels of all nodes and all edges. After changing the visual levels, do remember to call graph.paint() to repaint the graph.

document.getElementById('changeView').addEventListener('click', evt => {
  const edgeGroup = graph.get('edgeGroup'); // Get the defuall group of edges
  edgeGroup.toFront(); // Move up the edge group
  graph.paint(); // Must be called to repaint the graph

If you want to move up a single edge, please follow the steps:

  1. Configure groupByTypes: false when instantiating a Graph to turnoff grouping by items' type. The visual levels of the items will correnspond to the generation order of them.
  2. Call toFront() and toBack() to adjust the visual level of single item.
  3. Call graph.paint() to repaint the graph after level adjustment.
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for graph
  groupByTypes: false, // Turnoff grouping by items' type
document.getElementById('changeView').addEventListener('click', evt => {
  const edge = graph.findById('edge1'); // Find an edge according to the id
  const node = graph.findById('node1'); // Find a node according to the id
  edge.toFront(); // Move up the edge
  node.toBack(); // Move back the node
  graph.paint(); // Must be called to repaint the graph

Refer to #issues 817 for detail.