
4 min read

What is State

The State in G6 is the state of an item (node/edge), including Interaction State and Bussiness State.

In G6, the way to configure interaction state and business state is the same. For some users who only use G6 to develop of a certain requirement, and do not want to understand G6 in depth, there is no need to distinguish the difference between the interactive state and the business state. You can define and use the states in the same way without understanding cost.

Interaction State

The interaction state is closely related to specific interaction actions, such as the user using a mouse to select a node, or hover an edge.

G6 handles interactive states by default.

Bussiness State

Business state refers to the states customized according to the user's business needs. Business state is not related to interaction actions, and is strongly related to specific business logic. It can also be understood as being strongly data-driven. Such as the execution status of a task, the approval state of an application, etc., different data values ​​represent different business states. Business state has nothing to do with user interaction, but it is handled in the same way as interaction state in G6.

When to Use State

The principle of judging whether or not to use state comes from the perspective of interaction and business:

  • Some interactions need to change the style and properties of nodes or edges;
  • The content presented to the user will change based on the data (eg 1 for success, 0 for failure).

If one of these conditions is met, state should be used.

Using state

After defining the state, you can activate it by graph.setItemState, which can be called in the listeners like graph.on or the custom Behavior, or any place as you wish.


Activate the hover state in the event listeners.

graph.on('node:mouseenter', evt => {
  const { item } = evt;
  graph.setItemState(item, 'hover', true);

graph.on('node:mouseleave', evt => {
  const { item } = evt;
  graph.setItemState(item, 'hover', false);


Activate the selected state in custom Behavior.

G6.registerBehavior('nodeClick', {
  getEvents() {
    return {
      'node:click': 'onClick',
  onClick(e) {
    if (!, e)) {
    const { item } = e;
    const graph = this.graph;
    graph.setItemState(item, 'selected', true);

Configure Styles for State

In last section, we call graph.setItemState to activate/inactivate the states on a node or an edge. But it just marks the state on the item object. To reflect these states to the visual space which is observed by the end users, we need to set the item styles for different states to response the states change.

There are two choices to define the styles of a state:

  • Define the state styles in nodeStateStyles and edgeStateStyles when instantiating a Graph;
  • Configure the stateStyles in options when customizing a node/edge.

Configure When instantiating a Graph

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  defaultNode: {
    shape: 'diamond',
    style: {
      // Node style on default state
      fill: 'blue',
  nodeStateStyles: {
    hover: {
      // The node style when it is on the its hover state is true
      fill: '#d3adf7',
    running: {
      // The node style when it is on the its running state is true
      stroke: 'steelblue',

The code above defines the styles of interaction state hover and bussiness state running by nodeStateStyles, which means when the mouse hover a node, the filling color of the node will be changed into '#d3adf7'. When the running of a node is activated, the stroke color of the node will be changed into 'steelblue'.

Similarly, the style of defaultEdge defines the styles of the node on the default state. And edgeStateStyles can be used for defined the styles on other states.

Configure Styles When Customizing Node

The following code defines the styles for interaction states hover and selected by stateStyles. When user hovers anode, the opacity of the node will reduce to 0.8. When user clicks the ndoe, the line width of the stroke will widen to 3.

G6.registerNode('customShape', {
  // The configurations of the custom node
  options: {
    size: 60,
    style: {
      lineWidth: 1
    stateStyles: {
      // The style of the node when the mouse hovers the node
      hover: {
        fillOpacity: 0.8
      // The style of the node when the node is selected
      selected: {
        lineWidth: 3


G6 provides the state management for simplify the states of the items. For more information about the state thinking, please refer to The Thinking of the State in G6.