
4 min read


A built-in node Circle has the default style as below, the label is drawed on the bottom of it.


As stated in Built-in Nodes , there are two ways to configure the node: Configure it when instantiating a Graph globally; Configure it in the data.

1 实例化图时全局配置

Assign shape to 'image' in the defaultNode object when instantiating a Graph:

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  defaultNode: {
    shape: 'image',
    label: 'AntV Team',
    // Other configuraltions

2 Configure in the Data

To configure different nodes with different properties, you can write the properties into the node data.

const data = {
  nodes: [{
    id: 'node0',
  	img: '',
    shape: 'image',
    size: 200,
    label: 'AntV Team',
    labelCfg: {
      position: 'bottom'
    // The configurations for clipping the image
    clipCfg: {
      show: false,
      type: 'circle',
      r: 15
    ... // Other nodes
  edges: [
    ... // edges


The Node Common Properties are available for Image node, some special properties are shown below. The property with Object type will be described after the table:

img: '',
size: 200,
  labelCfg: {
    position: 'bottom'
  // The configurations for clipping the image
  clipCfg: {
    show: false,
    type: 'circle',
    // circle
    r: 15,
    // ellipse
    rx: 10,
    ry: 15,
    // rect
    width: 15,
    height: 15,
    // Coordinates
    x: 0,
    y: 0
Name Description Type Remark
img The URL addgress String special property for image node
size The size of the node Number Array
label The text of the label String
labelCfg The configurations for the label Object The Node Common Label Configurations are available.
clipCfg The configurations for clipping Object Do not clip by default. It is a special property for image node


Name Description Type Remark
type The type of shape of clipping String Options: 'circle', 'rect', 'ellipse'
x The x coordinate of the clipping shape Number 0 by default. Only takes effect when the type is 'circle', 'rect', or 'ellipse'
y The y coordinate of the clipping shape Number 0 by default. Only takes effect when the type is 'circle', 'rect', or `'ellipse'
show Whether to clip the image Boolean Do not clip by default.
r The radius of circle clipping Number Takes effect when the type is 'circle'
width The width of the clipping Number Takes effect when the type is 'rect'
height The height of the clipping Number Takes effect when the type is 'rect'
rx The major radius of the ellipse clipping Number Takes effect when the type is 'ellipse'
ry The minor radius of the ellipse clipping Number Takes effect when the type is 'ellipse'

There are default values for all the types of clipping. The following code shows how to configure the clipCfg when instantiating a Graph:

const data = {
  nodes: [
      x: 100,
      y: 100,
      shape: 'image',
      label: 'image',
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  defaultNode: {
    // shape: 'image',  // The shape has been assigned in the data, we do not have to define it any more
    clipCfg: {
      show: true,
      type: 'circle',

Clippling Type

Cicle Clipping

circle When the type in clipCfg is 'circle':

clipCfg: {
  show: true,
  type: 'circle',
  r: 100
Rect Clipping


When the type in clipCfg is 'rect':

clipCfg: {
  show: true,
  type: 'rect',
  x: -50,
  y: -50,
  width: 100, 
  height: 100
Ellipse Clipping


When the type in clipCfg is 'ellipse':

clipCfg: {
  show: true,
  type: 'ellipse',
  rx: 100,
  ry: 60