Getting Started

4 min read

The First Example

Installation & Import

There are two ways to import G6: by NPM; by CDN.

1 Import G6 by NPM

Step 1: Run the following command under the your project's directory in terminal:

 npm install --save @antv/g6

Step 2: Import the JS file to the file where G6 is going to be used:

import G6 from '@antv/g6';

2 Import by CDN in HTML

<script src="{$version}/build/g6.js"></script>


  • Replace {$version} by the version number. e.g. 3.2.3;
  • The last version of G6 is 3.2.3, which can be checked on NPM;
  • Please refer to the branch in Github: for more detail.

Getting Started

The following steps lead to a Graph of G6:

  1. Create an HTML container for graph;
  2. Prepare the data;
  3. Instancialize the Graph;
  4. Load the data and render.

Step 1 Create a HTML Container

Create an HTML container for graph canvas, div tag in general. G6 will append a canvas tag to it and draw graph on the canvas.

<div id="mountNode"></div>

Step 2 Data Preparation

The data for G6 should be JSON format, includes arrays nodes and edges:

const data = {
  // The array of nodes
  nodes: [
      id: 'node1', // String, unique and required
      x: 100, // Number, the x coordinate
      y: 200, // Number, the y coordinate
      id: 'node2', // String, unique and required
      x: 300, // Number, the x coordinate
      y: 200, // Number, the y coordinate
  // The array of edges
  edges: [
      source: 'node1', // String, required, the id of the source node
      target: 'node2', // String, required, the id of the target node


  • nodes is an array of nodes, the id is unique and required property; the x and y are coordinates of the node;
  • edges is an array of edges, source and target are required, represent the id of the source node and the id of the target node respectively;
  • The properties of node and edge are described in Built-in Nodes and Built-in Edges.

Step 3 Instantiate the Graph

The container, width, and height are required configurations when instantiating a Graph:

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode', // String | HTMLElement, required, the id of DOM element or an HTML node
  width: 800, // Number, required, the width of the graph
  height: 500, // Number, required, the height of the graph

Step 4 Load the Data and Render; // Load the data defined in Step 2
graph.render(); // Render the graph

The Final Result

The Complete Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Tutorial Demo</title>
    /* The container of the graph */
    <div id="mountNode"></div>
    /* Import G6 by CDN */
    <script src=""></script>
      // Define the source data
      const data = {
        // The array of nodes
        nodes: [{
          id: 'node1',
          x: 100,
          y: 200
          id: 'node2',
          x: 300,
          y: 200
        // The array of edges
        edges: [
          // An edge links from node1 to node2
            source: 'node1',
            target: 'node2'
      // Instantiate a Graph
      const graph = new G6.Graph({
        container: 'mountNode', // The id of the container
        // The width and height of the graph
        width: 800,
        height: 500
      // Load the data;
      // Render the graph

Using G6 with React

We provide a demo about using G6 with React: Demo.

For more information about it, please refer to Using G6 with React. Welcome the Issues.


In this chapter, we only briefly introduce the installation and usage. In G6 Tutorial, you will learn:

  • Common configurations of Graph;
  • Set the properties and styls for items (node/edge);
  • Configure the layout;
  • Configure the interaction;
  • Configure the animation;
  • The usage of components.

For more advanced functions, please refer to Key Concepts and Advanced Guides.