
8 min read

A built-in node modelRect has the default style as below, the label is drawed on the center of it.

Tips: There will be no description when there is no description in the data.


As stated in Built-in Nodes , there are two ways to configure the node: Configure it when instantiating a Graph globally; Configure it in the data.

1 Global Configure When Instantiating a Graph

Assign shape to 'modelRect' in the defaultNode object when instantiating a Graph:

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  defaultNode: {
    shape: 'modelRect',
    // Other configuraltions

2 Configure in the Data

To configure different nodes with different properties, you can write the properties into the node data.

const data = {
  nodes: [{
	  id: 'node0',
    shape: 'modelRect',
    ... // Other configurations
    ... // Other nodes
  edges: [
    ... // edges


The Node Common Properties are available for ModelRect node, some special properties are shown below. The property with Object type will be described after the table:

Name Description Type Remark
size The size of the modelRect node Number Array
style The default style of modelRect node Object Correspond to the styles in Canvas
label The text of the label String
labelCfg The configurations of the label Object
stateStyles The styles in different states Object Only takes effect on keyShape
linkPoints The link points in visual Object They are invisible by default. It is usually used with the anchorPoints. The differences are described in linkPoints
preRect Left rect of the node Object Special property for modelRect
logoIcon The left logo icon Object Special property for modelRect
stateIcon The right state icon Object Special property for modelRect
description The description text below the label String Special property for modelRect
It will be supported after V3.3
The configuration for description text Object Special property for modelRect
    // The configuration of the logo icon in the node
    logoIcon: {
      // Whether to show the icon. false means hide the icon
      show: true,
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      // the image url of icon
      img: '',
      width: 16,
      height: 16,
      // Adjust the left/right offset of the icon
      offset: 0
    // The configuration of the state icon in the node
    stateIcon: {
      // Whether to show the icon. false means hide the icon
      show: true,
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      // the image url of icon
      img: '',
      width: 16,
      height: 16,
      // Adjust the left/right offset of the icon
      offset: -5


The Node Common Styles are available for Circle is an object to configure the filling color, stroke, and other styles. The following code shows how to configure the style globally when instantiating a Graph.

const data = {
  nodes: [
      x: 100,
      y: 100,
      shape: 'modelRect',
      label: 'modelRect',
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  defaultNode: {
    // shape: 'modelRect',  // The shape has been assigned in the data, we do not have to define it any more
    size: [200, 80],
    style: {
      fill: '#f0f5ff',
      stroke: '#adc6ff',
      lineWidth: 2,


labelCfg is an object to configure the label of the node. The Node Common Label Configurations are available. Base on the code in style section, we add labelCfg to defaultNode.

const data = {
  // ... data
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for graph
  defaultNode: {
    // ... Other properties for node
    labelCfg: {
      style: {
        fill: '#9254de',
        fontSize: 18,
// ...


⚠️Attension: It will be supported after V3.3.

descriptionCfg is an object to configure the label of the node. The Node Common Label Configurations are available. Besides, descriptionCfg has special attribute:

Name Description Type Remark
paddingTop The padding from the description to the label text Number 0 by default

Base on the code in style section, we add descriptionCfg to defaultNode

const data = {
  // ... data
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for graph
  defaultNode: {
    // ... Other properties for node
    descriptionCfg: {
      style: {
        fill: '#f00',
// ...


linkPoints is an object to configure the small circles on the 「top, bottom, left, and right」.

⚠️Attention: It is different from anchorPoints: anchorPoints is an 「array」 that indicates the actual relative positions used to specify the join position of the relevant edge of the node (refer to anchorPoints); linkPoints is an object that indicates whether 「render」the four small circles, which do not connect the relevant edges. These two properties are often used together.

Name Description Type Remark
top Whether to show the top small circle Boolean false by default
bottom Whether to show the bototm small circle Boolean false by default
left Whether to show the left small circle Boolean false by default
right Whether to show the right small circle Boolean false by default
size The size of the small circles Number 3 by default
fill The filling color of the small circles String '#72CC4A' by default
stroke The stroke color of the small circles String '#72CC4A' by default
lineWidth The line width of the small circles Number 1 by default

Base on the code in style section, we add linkPoints to defaultNode.

const data = {
  // ... data
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for graph
  defaultNode: {
    // ... Other configurations for nodes
    linkPoints: {
      top: true,
      bottom: true,
      left: true,
      right: true,
      size: 5,
      fill: '#fff',
// ...


preRect configures the left rect of the rectModel node.

Name Description Type Remark
show Whether to show the left rect Boolean true by default
width The width of the left rect Number 4 by default
fill The filling color of the left rect String '#40a9ff' by default
radius The border radius of the left rect Number 2 by default

Base on the code in style section, we add icon to defaultNode.

const data = {
  // ... data
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for the graph
  defaultNode: {
    // ... Other configurations for nodes
    preRect: {
      // false means hiding it
      show: true,
      fill: '#f759ab',
      width: 8,
// ...

logoIcon / stateIcon

logoIcon and stateIcon configure the left and right logo of the modelRect node. The configurations of them are the same.

Name Description Type Remark
show Whether to show the icon Boolean true by default
img The url of the icon image String
- The default image for logoIcon is 
- The default image for stateIcon is
width The width of the icon Number 16 by default
height The height of the icon Number 16 by default
offset Adjust the left/right offset of the icon Number
- The dfualt offset of the left logoIcon is 0
- The dfualt offset of the right stateIcon is -5

Base on the code in style section, we add logoIcon and stateIcon to defaultNode to hide the left icon and change the image for right icon.

const data = {
  // ... data
const graph = new G6.Graph({
  // ... Other configurations for the graph
  defaultNode: {
    // ... Other configurations for nodes
    logoIcon: {
      show: false,
    stateIcon: {
      show: true,
// ...