Graphics Shape Properties

8 min read

An item (node/edge) in G6 Consists of One or More Graphics Shape. You can add shapes to a custom item by group.addShape in the draw function of registering item. The shapes in G6:

The Common Properties of Shapes

Name Description Remark
fill The color, gradient color, or the pattern for filling Corresponds to the fillStyle of Canvas
stroke The color, gradient color, or pattern for the stroke Corresponds to the strokeStyle of Canvas
shadowColor The color for shadow
shadowBlur The blur level for shadow Larger the value, more blur
shadowOffsetX The horizontal offset of the shadow
shadowOffsetY The vertical offset of the shadow
opacity The opacity (alpha value) of the shape Corresponds to the globalAlpha of Canvas


group.addShape('rect', {
  attrs: {
    fill: 'red',
    shadowOffsetX: 10,
    shadowOffsetY: 10,
    shadowColor: 'blue',
    shadowBlur: 10,
    opacity: 0.8,



Name Description
x The x coordinate of the center
y The y coordinate of the center
r The radius


group.addShape('circle', {
  attrs: {
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
    r: 50,
    fill: 'blue',



Name Description Remark
x The x coordinate of the left top
y The y coordinate of the left top
width The width of the rect
height The height of the rect
radius The border radius. It can be an integer or an array, representing the border radii of lefttop, righttop, rightbottom, leftbotton respectively.
- radius: 1 or radius: [ 1 ] is equal to radius: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
- radius: [ 1, 2 ] is equal to radius: [ 1, 2, 1, 2 ]
- radius: [ 1, 2, 3 ] is equal to radius: [ 1, 2, 3, 2 ]


group.addShape('rect', {
  attrs: {
    x: 150,
    y: 150,
    width: 150,
    height: 150,
    stroke: 'black',
    radius: [2, 4],



Name Description
x The x coordinate of the center
y The y coordinate of the center
rx The horizontal radius of the ellipse
ry The vertical radius of the ellipse


group.addShape('ellipse', {
  attrs: {
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
    rx: 50,
    ry: 50,
    fill: 'blue',



Name Description Remark
points A set of vertexes' coordinates of the polygon It is an array


group.addShape('polygon', {
  attrs: {
    points: [
      [30, 30],
      [40, 20],
      [30, 50],
      [60, 100],
    fill: 'red',



Name Description Remark
x The x coordinate of the center
y The y coordinate of the center
rs The horizontal radius of the fan
re The vertical radius of the fan
startAngle The start angle Radian system represented by Math.PI
endAngle The end angle Radian system represented by Math.PI
clockwise It will be rendered clockwisely if it is true, counterclockwisely if it is false


group.addShape('fan', {
  attrs: {
    x: 50,
    y: 50,
    re: 40,
    rs: 30,
    startAngle: (1 / 2) * Math.PI,
    endAngle: Math.PI,
    clockwise: false,
    fill: '#b7eb8f',



Name Description Remark
x The x coordinate of the left top of the image
y The y coordinate of the left top of the image
width The width of the image
height The height of the image
img The source of the image Supports: url, ImageData, Image, and canvas


group.addShape('image', {
  attrs: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,



Name Description Remark
x The x coordinate of the center
y The y coordinate of the center
r The radius of the marker
symbol The shape We built in some commonly used shapes for it: circlesquare, diamondtriangle, and triangle-down. You can customize it by path


group.addShape('marker', {
  attrs: {
    x: 10,
    y: 10,
    r: 10,
    symbol: function(x, y, r) {
      return [['M', x, y], ['L', x + r, y + r], ['L', x + r * 2, y], ['Z']];


  ⚠️Attention: When the edge is too thin to be hitted by mouse, set lineAppendWidth to enlarge the hitting area.


Name Description Remark
path The path. It can be a String, or an Array of path
startArrow The arrow on the start of the path When startArrow is true, show a default arrow on the start of the path. User can customize an arrow by path
endArrow The arrow on the end of the path When startArrow is true, show a default arrow on the end of the path. User can customize an arrow by path
lineAppendWidth The hitting area of the path Enlarge the hitting area by enlarging its value
lineCap The style of two ends of the path
lineJoin The style of the intersection of two path
lineWidth The line width of the current path
miterLimit The maximum miter length
lineDash The style of the dash line It is an array that describes the length of gaps and line segments. If the number of the elements in the array is odd, the elements will be dulplicated. Such as [5, 15, 25] will be regarded as [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25]


group.addShape('path', {
  attrs: {
    startArrow: {
      path: 'M 10,0 L -10,-10 L -10,10 Z', // The custom arrow is a path centered at (0, 0), and points to the positive direction of x-axis
      d: 10,
    endArrow: {
      path: 'M 10,0 L -10,-10 L -10,10 Z', // The custom arrow is a path centered at (0, 0), and points to the positive direction of x-axis
      d: 10,
    path: [
      ['M', 100, 100],
      ['L', 200, 200],
    stroke: '#000',
    lineWidth: 8,
    lineAppendWidth: 5,



Name Description Remark
fill The color or gradient color for filling. The corresponding property in Canvas is fillStyle.
stroke The color, gradient color, or pattern for stroke. The corresponding property in Canvas is strokeStyle.
shadowColor The color for shadow.
shadowBlur The blur level for shadow. Larger the value, more blur.
shadowOffsetX The horizontal offset of the shadow.
shadowOffsetY The vertical offset of the shadow.
opacity The opacity (alpha value) of the shape. The corresponding property in Canvas is globalAlpha.
font The font of the text.
textAlign The align way of the text. Options: 'center' / 'end' / 'left' / 'right' / 'start'. 'start' by default.
textBaseline The base line of the text. Options:
'top' / 'middle' / 'bottom' / 'alphabetic' / 'hanging'. 'bottom' by default.
fontStyle The font style of the text. The corresponding property in CSS is font-style
fontVariant The font variant of the text. The corresponding property in CSS is font-variant
fontWeight The font weight of the text. The corresponding property in CSS is font-weight
fontSize The font size of the text. The corresponding property in CSS is font-size
fontFamily The font family of the text. The corresponding property in CSS is font-family
autoRotate Wheter rotate the text according to the edge automatically if it is a label of an edge.


group.addShape('text', {
  attrs: {
    text: 'test text',
    fill: 'red',
    fontWeight: 400,
    shadowOffsetX: 10,
    shadowOffsetY: 10,
    shadowColor: 'blue',
    shadowBlur: 10,