Node Group

4 min read

The title of Node Group is supported from G6 V3.1.2.

Node Group is a practical function for graph visualization. It is supported from G6 V3.0.5. Refer to the demo Demo.

Data Structure

In data, Node Group are defined as array group, and each node data has a property groupId.

The title for a group can be a string or an object:

  • When the title is a string, it indicates the text of the group title. The styles and the position are fixed;
  • When the title is an object, users are able to define the styles and position for the group title. The object contains:

    • text: required, a string indicates the text of the group title;
    • offsetX: the x offset of the title, 0 by default;
    • offsetY: the y offset of the title, 0 by default;
    • stroke: the stroke color. The fill, fontSize, and other Label Styles on Node.
  nodes: [
      id: 'node1',
      label: 'node1',
      groupId: 'group1',
      x: 100,
      y: 100
      id: 'node2',
      label: 'node2',
      groupId: 'group1',
      x: 150,
      y: 100
      id: 'node3',
      label: 'node3',
      groupId: 'group2',
      x: 300,
      y: 100
  edges: [
      source: 'node1',
      target: 'node2'
  groups: [
      id: 'group1',
      title: {
      	text: 'The 1st group',
        stroke: '#444',
        offsetX: 0,
        offsetY: 0
      parentId: 'p1'
      id: 'group2',
      parentId: 'p1'
      id: 'p1'

Render the Node Group

If there are groupId in node data, G6 will render the group for the node automatically. You need to defined the x and y for nodes when there is no layout method for the graph.

const data = {
  nodes: [
      id: 'node6',
      groupId: 'group3',
      label: 'rect',
      x: 100,
      y: 300,
      id: 'node1',
      label: 'fck',
      groupId: 'group1',
      x: 100,
      y: 100,
      id: 'node9',
      label: 'noGroup1',
      groupId: 'p1',
      x: 300,
      y: 210,
      id: 'node2',
      label: 'node2',
      groupId: 'group1',
      x: 150,
      y: 200,
      id: 'node3',
      label: 'node3',
      groupId: 'group2',
      x: 300,
      y: 100,
      id: 'node7',
      groupId: 'p1',
      label: 'node7-p1',
      x: 200,
      y: 200,
      id: 'node10',
      label: 'noGroup',
      groupId: 'p2',
      x: 300,
      y: 210,
  edges: [
      source: 'node1',
      target: 'node2',
      source: 'node2',
      target: 'node3',
  groups: [
      id: 'group1',
      title: {
        text: 'The first group',
        stroke: '#444',
        offsetX: -30,
        offsetY: 30,
      parentId: 'p1',
      id: 'group2',
      parentId: 'p1',
      id: 'group3',
      parentId: 'p2',
      id: 'p1',
      id: 'p2',

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  pixelRatio: 2,
  modes: {
    default: ['drag-canvas'],
  defaultNode: {
    shape: 'circleNode',
  defaultEdge: {
    color: '#bae7ff',

The result:

To controll the nodes and the groups, we now assign the behaviors to them.

Manipulate the Group

The built-in Behaviors drag-group, collapse-expand-group, and drag-node-with-group allow user to manipulate the group:

  • Drag the group;
  • Unrelate the node and its group by dragging the node out of the group;
  • Double click to expand/collapse the group:

    • When the group is collapsed, the edges linked to the inner nodes will link to the group;
    • When the group is expanded, the related edges are restored.
  • When user is dragging a node, the node's group will be highlighted; when the node is dragged to another group, the corresponding group will be highlighted
  • Do not Support Dropping a node into another group.


drag-group is a Behavior which supports the group dragging.


collapse-expand-group is a Behavior which supports expand and collapse the group by double click.

Now, we only support collapse and expand the group by double click.


drag-node-with-group is a Behavior that similar to drag-node. But it is applied on the node which has a group. The group of the node will be changed by dragging.

We do not support dragging multiple nodes in/out a group.

const graph = new G6.Graph({
  container: 'mountNode',
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  pixelRatio: 2,
  modes: {
    default: ['drag-group', 'collapse-expand-group', 'drag- node-with-group'],
  defaultNode: {
    shape: 'circleNode',
  defaultEdge: {
    color: '#bae7ff',

Assigning the three built-in Behavior into modes of the graph instance results in: